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Monday, August 27, 2012

BUBTPC 2nd Problem G - Do You Have Enough Money?

Do You Have Enough Money?

Problem Description:
Riad is a student of BUBT. His hobby is shopping. When he goes for shopping he wants to buy whatever he sees. He always forgets how much money is in his hand. To overcome this problem he has decided to write a program that will read the amount of money he has and the prices of the items he wants to buy. Determine whether he has enough money to buy everything he selected or whether he is in short of money. If he does not have enough money, the program will indicate the amount of the shortfall.  In case of short of money the program also indicates the list of items he may buy with his money.

The first line contains a single integer N, which will denote the amount of money he has in his hand. The second line contains M(1<=M<=10) that indicates the number of items Riad is interested to buy. The third line contains price of each element that Riad is interested to buy.

In output there will be two lines. The first line shows whether Riad has enough money or not (print BUY ALL ITEM or SHORTFALL depending on the money in his hand). In case of shortfall print the amount of shortfall. The second line contains the list of items that Riad may buy in case of shortfall.

Sample Input/Output:
Sample Input
Sample Output
25   60  75  70

25  60  100   85    50
75   25


Problem setter: Md. Saifur Rahman, Asst. Professor, Dept. of CSE
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)

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