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Step by Step guide into Contest Programming

Welcome the amazing world of contest programming. This is PCG (Programming Contest Guide). You'll go deeper into programming with time, solve 100s of problems, learn algorithms and surely be able to be topper in programming contests.

Lets guess, you are a complete beginner but you want to do really well in programming contests. What you need most is patience, ability to find and analyze logic and complete devotion into programming. Lets start.

First, you have to learn programming language. Usually C, C++ and Java are used in different programming contests. You can download programming language PDFs from here, but if you're really interested in programming, I'd suggest you to buy/collect some good books on C or Java.
Then start with basics, like use of statements, conditions, loops, methods and other facilities provided by that language. Its better to start with C.


You have good knowledge in C? Good. Then Its time to start learning C++.
Search Google for references. In C, you take an integer input like this:
and output like:

But in C++, an integer input is taken like this:

and output:

(To be continued)

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